AFC Kids aims to partner with parents in the raising up and discipleship of the next generation of Christ followers. Using age appropriate lessons and activities to engage our students, we wish to instill a Biblical worldview and teach Biblical truths that will be a lamp for their feet and a light on their paths for years to come.
join us
Sundays @ 10:30 am
- Nursery: 6 weeks to 3 yrs
- Pre-K: 3 yrs - 5 yrs (potty trained)
- Elementary: Kindergarten - 5th grade

This discipleship program is for AFC Kids, ages 5-11, who are serious about challenging and growing their faith. There will be take-home activities - parents will be asked to review with the students at home each week to prepare them for the next class (especially beginning readers).
We will have two 12-week sessions each year, one in the spring, and one in the fall.
We will have two 12-week sessions each year, one in the spring, and one in the fall.
This is a 3-year program with 3 levels:
Year 1: Know - basic Biblical knowledge - Creation and the fall, the Trinity, salvation, baptism, etc.,
Year 2: Grow - personal growth - Biblical character development, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Spirit, relationship, prayer, etc.,
Year 3 - Go - equipping for the Great Commission - gifts of the Spirit, leadership, ministry, serving, evangelism
Year 1: Know - basic Biblical knowledge - Creation and the fall, the Trinity, salvation, baptism, etc.,
Year 2: Grow - personal growth - Biblical character development, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Spirit, relationship, prayer, etc.,
Year 3 - Go - equipping for the Great Commission - gifts of the Spirit, leadership, ministry, serving, evangelism

Our spring semester for 2025 will start the last week of January. If you are interested in signing your child up, please register below.
butterfly kisses - daddy/daughter dance
All daughters, Kindergarten through 12th grade, and their fathers/father figures are invited. Dancing, dinner, dessert, games and lots of bonding time!

If you have any questions regarding AFC Kids Church, please feel free to email Pastor Amy Sessoms